A Walk in the Park: Optimism in Science through the Central Experimental Farm

A Walk in the Park will consider how the buildings and landscapes express the optimism in Science during the development of the Central Experimental Farm from 1884, to signs of the neglect of science in time of climate crises, 2022.
We'll begin with a consideration of the Dominion Observatory buildimgs: Why did the government need an Observatory at the Farm? We will also consider the style of the buildings in this group, and how they have changed over tiime. Are there signs that the science the farm was founded on is less important to us today?
The scientific buildings are lined up on the other side of Maple Drive. Again, the style of the buildings says something about their age and their purpose. Research is still being done in the greenhouses. The "forest of vents” on the KW Neatby building betrays the presence of over 100 laboratories. The Neatby building is home to Canadian National Collection of insects, arachnids and nematodes . Managing bugs, both pests and pollinators, is a key part of agricultural research.
This is the second of three walks focused on the Experimental Farm. Make a day of it by signing up for the walks at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden starting at 12:30 pm and on The Fate of Nature in a Building Site starting at 3:45 pm.