Jane's Walk Wrap Party

This year, we will close the walks with a relaxed interlude at L'Autre Oeil restaurant, 152 rue Principale in Aylmer.  Join us and rest after the weekend of walking, have a resfreshment, and share your Jane's Walk experience with other participants. We may be joined by a 'historical' person or two with a story to tell!

Admission is free, but please sign up here if you are planning to attend.

Note:  This is a bilingual event. / Ceci est une visite guidée bilingue (description française )


To share your experiences and discoveries at Jane's Walks in 2019, come to The L'Autre Oeil Pub, 152 Main Street, Aylmer.  At the same time, discover this unusual pub!

About the walk leader

The Jane's Walk Ottawa-Gatineau organizers invite you to the Jane's Walk wrap-up event.   This year's organizers are:

Angela Plant
Courtney Symons
Sandra Macpherson
Laura Mueller
Kat Barrett
Elissa Unrau
Louise Renauld-George
Tyrell Alexander
Jane Macleod
Pablo Vallejo
Laila Abada
Lynne Rodier
Jessica Stark
Sarah Simpkin
Habi Barry
Leigh Thorpe

We get help from many other people whose skills and effort make this event possible and contribute to its success.  As well, a special thank you to those who take part in the walks. Together, we have created a major festival that brings together residents of the Ottawa-Gatineau area and makes our community stronger, more resilient, and more democratic.


Jane's Walk Organizers

Date:Sun May 5, 2019
Time:5:00 PM
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Start:L'Autre Oeil Bistro, Aylmer
End:Au même endroit
Distance:0.0 kms

There is a washroom on the main floor, but they may put our group upstairs. 

Bistro L'Autre Oeil, 152 rue Principale, Aylmer.  The snow will be gone in May, we promise! L'Autre Oeil Bistro L'Autre Oeil Bistro, salle à l'étage
Volunteer to Marshal This Walk