Building an Accessible, Connected and Complete City

Cities are full of diverse people, each of whom has distinct abilities and needs when it comes to engaging with their neighbourhood.  Ottawa is no exception.  Centretown has been undergoing renewal and re-design to several main streets and services.  Are we getting it right?  Are the design choices we're making consistent with creating accessible, inclusive, and safe cities for all?

This walk will highlight the points of optimism along the Sparks St. pedestrian mall, the Laurier Ave. and O’Connor St. bike lanes, and the Bank St and Elgin St. refurbishments.  We will visit a few other areas to explore where new services could spur other benefits including core services like grocery stores, and we'll discuss the anticipated bebfits of Ottawa’s new light rail system to connectivity and wayfinding.    


We will meet just outside the Elgin St. entrance to the National Arts Centre (near the Equator Coffee).  (In case of rain,  meet just inside the doors off Elgin St.)  We will cross Elgin through the National War Memorial to Sparks St.  Turning left at Metcalfe St, we'll go south for one block,  then turn right onto Queen St.  At O’Connor St we turn left and go south to Laurier Ave West.  From there, we will go west to Bank St., south on Bank to Somerset, and east to Metcalfe.  We'll make a short detour north for a couple of blocks, coming back to Somerset and Elgin.  We'll continue east on Somerset over the Canal and on to the University of Ottawa.  The walk will conclude at the Campus LRT station.

About the walk leader

Devin Causley came to Ottawa more than fifteen years to start a career.  His background in town planning and his experience growing up with low vision give him a unique perspective to examining how cities function.  Like most cities, Ottawa is improving when it comes to accessibility; however, many barriers remain and there aer solutions available that could be implemented here.

Devin's site on visual accessibility is here

Relevant sites at the City of Ottawa include the site for the Ottawa Official Plan and the site for Sparks Street Renewal


Devin Causley

Date:Sun May 5, 2019
Time:10:00 AM
Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Language: English
Start:National Arts Centre — Elgin St Entrance
End:Campus LRT Station / Univ. of Ottawa
Distance:3.0 kms

The walk will follow city sidewalks.  There may be some uneven surfaces. 

Our meeting place at the NAC Entrance, 1 Elgin St.
Volunteer to Marshal This Walk