Echo Drive: Ottawa's "Bicycle Street"

Cyclists and pedestrians share the road along Echo Drive.
Ottawa’s Echo Drive is a great route to get cyclists from the Pretoria Bridge to Old Ottawa South. Despite its absence from official cycling routes, this street has a lot in common with the world's great "bicycle streets." The Echo Drive "bicycle street" runs from near Hawthorne and Colonel By Drive (the east end of the Pretoria Bridge) south to the Sunnyside Branch of the Ottawa Public Library at the south end of the Bank St. Bridge. Matt shares his experience of cycling on Echo Drive with photos, maps, and text, describing the features and their attractiveness to both cyclists and pedestrians.
Link to the blog: Ottawa's "Bicycle Street"
Matt Pinder's blog Beyond the Automobile hosts the series Bicycle Streets Beyond Europe, which explores the “bicycle street” or, as the Dutch say, "fietsstratten." The original post focused on the Dutch version of the bicycle street and the subsequent posts showcase some of the best examples in Canada and the US. You can find links to the full series here. (To be advised when new entries to the series are posted, join the Beyond the Automobile mailing list.)