Untold Ottawa: forgotten stories from our past

Colonel By Drive and the Rideau Canal near Ottawa's former Union Station.

Lost Stanley Cups, daring pioneers, horse racing in the streets...our local history is rich and yet virtually unknown. This walk will tell stories about Ottawa's first homesteaders, the shanties of Lowertown, and the rise of the Victorian upper class.Karen was inspired to lead this walk because, as she reads the city's history, she was struck by how many lessons of our past influence what we experience on the streets of Ottawa today. To see photos and drawings of Ottawa history, visit the Lost Ottawa facebook page.

Participants are invited for complimentary coffee at the end of this walk.

We'll begin behind the old train station, walk north, cross Wellington, continue to the west of the Chateau Laurier, walk into Major's Hill Park, then back track to the Chateau Laurier, go in, cross Wellington again and head south down the canal.
About the walk leader

Karen is a long-time radio journalist, a history buff, and an Ottawa enthusiast.  As her day job, she works at the House of Commons. 

This walk is the beginning of a new adventure for Karen.  She is starting up a walking tour business called Ottawalk Tours.  She is looking for feedback on her walk and ideas from attendees about ways to enhance the experience!


Karen Kelly

Date:Sat May 3, 2014
Time:3:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Start:Colonel By Dr., opposite new convention centre
End:Corktown bridge, canal
Area:Sandy Hill/Lowertown/GoldenTriangle
Distance:2.0 kms

There are stairs leading to the west side of the Chateau Laurier.

Volunteer to Marshal This Walk