Tour of the Pollinator Garden at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden

The pollinator garden at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden. Photo by Christine Hanrahan.
Join Wild Pollinator Partners for a guided tour of the pollinator garden at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden. We will explore who the wild pollinators are, their habitat, and native plant gardening. The garden tour will be led by members of the Wild Pollinator Partners, a network of individuals and organizations committed to protecting and promoting wild pollinators. Entomologist Lydia Wong will be on hand to answer any questions and to help identify insect species.
This walk is the first of a series of walking tours of pollinator gardens across the city. These tours will be held bi-weekly over the next five months. We'll have information about the garden tours to hand out to people during the walk.
You can find more information about wild pollinators and Wild Pollinator Partners' events and activities at Wild Pollinator Partners.
The Fletcher Wildlife Garden is a project of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club and is now more than 25 years old. The goal was to create a demonstration garden with natural habitat typical of our area—a wetland, a meadow, old and new woods, and a hedgerow—providing food, water, and shelter for wildlife. Local wildlife quickly found homes there and the species list grew.
Interview with Lydia Wong on All in a Day about native urban pollinators:
All in a Day segment Lydia Wong interview starts at 1:50 into the segment.