Birthday Party for Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs was born on May 4, 1916, which would make her 103 years old this year.  Since her birthday falls on Jane's Walk weekend, we thought a birthday party was the perfect way to celebrate her contributions to urbanism. 

Susan Hughes, author of the children's book Walking in the City with Jane, will join us as a special guest to read her story aloud for young and old   The story recounts Jane's early life and how her observational skills helped her explore cities and discover how they function, and the factors that contribute to efficient, inclusive, and attractive city life. 

Of course, we will have a birthday cake and other snacks.  Hintonburg City Councillor Jeff Leiper will read the Mayor's Proclamation of Jane Jacobs' Weekend, colouring activities for children and adults, a photo booth where you can take a selfie as Jane, and more.

The readings (Proclamation, storybook) will start at about 4:50 pm, followed by the birthday song and cake. 

Admission is free, but please register so that we have an idea how many people to expect.  The Eventbrite listing is here

This event will be mainly in English. 

Carte indiquant le point de départ

The event will be held at the Cube Gallery, 1285 Wellington St. West, in Hintonburg.

Note that the front room of the gallery is accessible, but there are steps up to the back room.  There is an accessible washroom off the front room. 

Au sujet du guide

Your organizers for 2019 are:

Angela Plant
Courtney Symons
Sandra Macpherson
Laura Mueller
Kat Barrett
Elissa Unrau
Louise Renauld-George
Tyrell Alexander
Jane Macleod
Pablo Vallejo
Laila Abada
Lynne Rodier
Jessica Stark
Sarah Simpkin
Habi Barry
Leigh Thorpe


Jane's Walk Organizers

Date:sam 4 mai, 2019
Durée: 3 heures
Langue: anglais
Début:Cube Gallery, 1285 Wellington St. West
Distance:0.0 kms

The gallery is partly accessible.  There is an accessible washroom. 

Galerie d'images
(Click on the poster in the photo gallery below to see a larger image. ) Galerie Cube Gallery
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