UOttawa Campus Sustainability

This walk is a green tour of the University of Ottawa, focusing on the environmental infrastructure and the social integration of the University of Ottawa and the City of Ottawa (including the Sandy Hill area). The tour is organized by the Office of Campus Sustainability and will include topics related to green space, transportation, engineering, architecture, land planning, and agriculture. All are welcome.


Carte indiquant le point de départ

We will meet on the front steps of Tabaret Hall (550 Cumberland).  From there, we will work our way south through the heart of the campus along the Grand Alley, ending at the SITE Building (800 King Edward, on the west side of King Edward, just north of Mann Ave.)  The route will follow pedestrian paths through the University of Ottawa Campus and will occasionally go into some of the buildings.

Au sujet du guide

Jonathan Rausseo is the Campus Sustainability Manager at the University of Ottawa and has been working on sustainability initiatives since 2006. He is a graduate of the University of Ottawa and been a consultant for various environmental NGOs in the City of Ottawa.   He has led this walk as part of Jane's Walk for several years.

The University of Ottawa is one of the most sustainable campuses in North America. Find out what the University's Office of Campus Sustainability has been doing in the areas of energy, water, sustainable transportation, recycling, and food security.


Jonathan Rausseo

Date:sam 4 mai, 2019
Durée: 2 heures
Langue: anglais
Début:Tabaret Hall (main steps)
Fin:SITE Building (King Edward & Mann)
Quartier:UOttawa Campus/Sandy Hill
Distance:1.0 km

The route will follow paved sidewalks and the buildings we will visit are fully accessible.

Galerie d'images
The Living Wall in UOttawa's LEED GOLD Social Sciences Building. The LEED GOLD Social Sciences Building, University of Ottawa/Édifice LEED - Pavillon des sciences sociales de l'Université d'Ottawa Tabaret Hall at the University of Ottawa, where the walk will start.
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