Hintonburg: Experimentation in a living neighbourhood
Photo: Former premises of Beyond the Pale Brewery on Hamilton St.
"To see complex systems of functional order as order, and not as chaos, takes understanding. The leaves dropping from the trees in the autumn, the interior of an aeroplane engine, the entrails of a dissected rabbit, the city desk of a newspaper, all appear to be chaos if they are seen without comprehension. Once they are understood as systems of order, they actually look different." —Jane Jacobs (of course).
Explore Hintonburg with an eye on the importance of experimentation and re-purposing space to empowering people in a functional neighbourhood. We'll talk about some key concepts in Jane Jacobs' theory, the history of Hintonburg, how flexibility contributes to the vitality of the neighbourhood, and how all of this can shape the way we see the successes and challenges that have helped make Hintonburg what it is today. We'll begin at the old location of Beyond the Pale Brewery and walk through the heart of Hintonburg, making stops at few businesses and spots of note along the way. I hope you'll join in the discussion so that we can learn more about this neighbourhood together. We’ll finish the walk at the new location of Beyond the Pale and Art-Is-In Bakery. Walkers are invited to join me (if they’re so inclined) to continue the conversation over a drink or two, or to just unwind at a great local business.