Toponymy and Microhistory of Old Ottawa East

Photo:  Street sign from Old Ottawa East Neighbourhood

Street names hide information about the history, growth, and development of city neighbourhoods.  The street names in Old Ottawa East are no different, and they can tell us who used to own the land here, who directed development, and what people and events were considered important or interesting enough to be memorialized in this way. 

Starting from the bridge, we'll discover the street names in the neighbourhood of Old Ottawa East, and use them to explore the history of this charming residential area. 

Carte indiquant le point de départ

Meet on Rideau River Dr., near the north-west end of the George McIlwraith Bridge over the Rideau River.  There's a ramp from Main St. leading to a small turn-around near the river.  We'll assemble in the turn-around area.

The walk will travel generally north through the neighbourhoods, ending at Main St. and Herridge St., across from Saint Paul's University. 

Au sujet du guide

Stephen Konkle has lived in Old Ottawa East for two years, and has an interest in local history. 


Stephen Konkle

Date:sam 5 mai, 2018
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:Rideau River Dr. near the <p>............................George McIllwraith Bridge
Fin:Corner of Main St & Herridge
Quartier:Old Ottawa East
Distance:1.0 km

The walk will follow city sidewalks. 

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