Prime Ministers Row

Photo:  Laurier House

The walk will show off the residences of nine prime ministers who lived in Sandy Hill at some point in their lives.  We'll talk about what they were doing while living at these addresses.   

Carte indiquant le point de départ

Meet at the Strathcona Fountain, on the south side of Laurier between Charlotte and Range Road.  From there, we'll walk west along Laurier to Chapel, north on Chapel to Daly, east along Daly to Charlotte, then back to the fountain, with occasional minor detours along the way.

Au sujet du guide

François (père) researched the history of Sandy Hill in support of the initiative to designate Laurier Ave. E. as Prime Ministers' Row—Canada's first outdoor museum.   His son François is interested in the history of Ottawa and has experience as a museum guide.  

To find some stories on Sandy Hill history, check out
For more information about Prime Ministers' Row, visit


François Bregha (père) & .............................François Bregha (fils)

Date:dim 6 mai, 2018
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:Strathcona Fountain, ...............................Laurier & Range Rd
Quartier:Sandy Hill
Distance:2.0 kms

The walk will follow city sidewalks. 

Galerie d'images
Laurier House, which was the residence of two Prime Ministers, first Sir Wilfrid Laurier and later Mackenzie King.
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