Katharine Fletcher is a visual artist, freelance writer, and author of several guides to the National Capital Region (
Historical Walks: The Gatineau Park Story; Promenades historiques dans le parc de la Gatineau; Capital Walks: Walking Tours of Ottawa; Capital Rambles: Exploring the National Capital Region;
and, with her husband Eric Fletcher, co-authored Quebec Off the Beaten Path
). She writes environment, nature, gardening, and eco-tourism columns and features for such markets as explore magazine, travel2next.com, Tourisme Outaouais (blog), Canadian Tourism Commission, Ottawa Outdoors Magazine, West Quebec Post, Pontiac Journal, Aylmer Bulletin, and youngatheartnewspaper.ca
. She teaches art with Get Art (facebook.com/contactgetart/), leads custom hiking/walking tours, and is a public speaker specializing in raising awareness about the human and natural history of Ottawa, Gatineau Park, and the National Capital Region; as well as writing and publishing. She and her husband Eric Fletcher also are on the Pontiac, Quebec-based Gardens and Gifts Tour, where they showcase gardens at Spiritwood, their hobby farm, and sell their and other artists' art (http://gardensandgifts.blogspot.ca/).
Web presence:
Discover my world at: www.katharinefletcher.com
FaceBook: facebook.com/katharine.fletcher
Artist FaceBook page: facebook.com/KatharineFletcherArtist/
Twitter: @Spiritwood
Instagram: @spiritwoodkf
Note that Katharine Fletcher will also be leading a walk at Meech Lake in Gatineau Park. Details.