Indigenous Walks

Indigenous Walks is a social, political and cultural walk and talk on Parliament Hill. Experience an Indigenous perspective of the monuments and views on un-ceded Anishinaabe Territory.

Carte indiquant le point de départ

Centennial Flame and around Parliament Hill.

Au sujet du guide

Jaime is an Otipemsiwak/Nehiyaw (Métis/Cree) woman originally from Lac La Biche, Alberta living on un-ceded Algonquin Territory (Ottawa, ON) since 2000. She was motivated to do the walks for many reasons; however, her confidence to do the walk came from her time as an Educator at the National Gallery of Canada during the “Sakahàn – International Indigenous Art” exhibition where she gave art tours through the lens of the Indigenous experience in Canada and around the world.


Jaime Koebel

Date:dim 3 mai, 2015
Durée: 2 heures
Langue: anglais
Début:Centennial Flame, Parliament Hill
Quartier:Parliament Hill/Centertown
Distance:1.0 km
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