Centretown Parks for Healthy Citizens and a Healthy Communitys

The Centretown Citizens Community Association’s Trees & Greenspace Committee is aware of all the benefits of greenspaces in their many forms. Such benefits include all aspects of health, physical, social, and mental, and are reasons why governments spend a great deal of resources on trees and greenspaces. During the last year, the Centretown Community Health Centre (CCHC) and Dundonald Park were the focus of a study by 8-80 Cities to understand how that park could be better utilized by CCHC to foster its goals for improving health in the community. The report is completed and now is a good time to look at how Dundonald and its two neighbouring parks can support a healthier community.

Carte indiquant le point de départ
From the CCHC, we'll go over to Bank St., south to Somerset, west to Kent, south on Kent to Arlington Park, then over to Bay, going north to Gladstone, and west to McNabb Park. We'll walk through McNabb and then north on Percy to Dundonald Park. Parking may be scarce on Cooper St. We suggest taking transit or riding your bike. If you do drive, you may want to park closer to Dundonald Park and walk over to Cooper St. by going east on Somerset and north on Kent (about 2 1/2 blocks).
Au sujet du guide

Bonnie Mabee is chair of the Trees & Greenspace Committee of the Centretown Citizens Community Association. The committee advocates for parks in the Centretown area.


Bonnie Mabee, Natasha Beaudin, Drina Wethey & Susan Kerr

Date:dim 5 mai, 2013
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:Centretown Community Health Centre, 420 Cooper, just west of Bank St
Fin:Dundonald Park at Lyon & Somerset
Distance:1.0 km

Sidewalks are all accessible but the parks may be more difficult. Arlington Park is not accessible; McNabb Park is rough but can be done. Dundonald is accessible.

Galerie d'images
Dundonald Park in Ottawa's Centretown
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