Gloucester Quarries

Photo:  Exploring the Quarry.

Between Montfort Hospital and the National Research Council on Montreal Road, there were once commercial quarries which have since been abandoned or filled in. This walk will show you the location of two quarries that gave rise to a thriving village with a school and post office. You will learn about this village and its importance to the growth of Ottawa.

Carte indiquant le point de départ
We will walk north from Pilos Restaurant on Codd's Road and turn left at the first street north of Montreal Road, walking towards Montfort Hospital along residential roads and footpaths, until a stone ruin can be seen on the left side of the street.. We will return the same way.

Robert Serré

Date:dim 5 mai, 2013
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:Pilos Restaurant (corner Montreal Rd & Carson’s Rd)
Distance:2.0 kms

Unpaved paths and rough terrain. Proper footwear needed to walk around trees and through brush.

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